Site Promotion
Our search engine optimisation package is a paid performance system. We charge you by the keyword or phrase that you want us to promote. You will only be charged for visitors that reach your site if:
- they arrived from a search engine or directory, and
- who had searched with one of your promoted keywords or phrases
Visitors reaching your site by any other means - such as typing your web address in directly or using a phrase not in your list - will carry no charge... a benefit for word of mouth referrals and repeat visitors. As an example, an insurance company may want us to promote the phrase "business insurance". If a visitor enters this exact phrase into a search engine such as Google or Yahoo, and then clicks on your link in the results page, then the insurance company will be charged for that visitor. The benefits:
- Higher conversion rates. You are only going to ask us
to promote phrases that are relevant to your business and
are likely to turn a visitor into a customer.
- Cost effective. You can set a monthly spend limit to ensure that you do not over run your monthly online marketing budget.
- Performance based. If we provide you with little traffic, you pay out little. The more traffic we provide, the more you pay, but with it, an increase in relevant visitors and therefore customers.
- Control. You tell us which phrases you want us to promote,
through our control panel. We constantly add new phrases
to a list for you to select from. If you have selected phrases
which you feel are no longer relevant to your campaign,
then you simply remove them from the list.
- Our system reports the effectiveness of a given phrase converting into an enquiry or sale. With this information we can push the promotion of the better phrases whilst not wasting time and money on the poorer performers.
For further details please take a look at http://www.getmysiteseen.co.uk or Contact Us |
